2011년 2월 17일 목요일

Today's event

Today, I graduated. Ha Ha even though I graduated an elementary school, I felt like I'm adult. However, I had to go to middle school. Many people said that middle school is hard and scary place. I agree with that but I think I must bit it to go to good high school. Many people said that comfortable time had been gone and harsh time had been open. Ha Ha. I had to work hard I think. Time is so fast isn't it? I can't believed that I had been here for 6 years. However I'm little worried about middle school. Still I'm happy to graduate.
Thank you for teachers and my friends. Bye~

2011년 2월 9일 수요일

What will win? Galaxy Tab or ipad.

Today I'll write about fun topic. As you can see in this clip, there are Galaxy Tab and ipad ( I think everybody will know them ) Before there are ipod that is more smaller than ipad but it has too small GB and not many function are in there. So apple ( which is company that makes ipod ) make another great equipment called ipad which is bigger than Galaxy Tab. It's same size as normal book. The apple add more functions. For example, more games, message equipment, more internet and more entertainment. Oh, it have bigger GB too. The lowest GB in ipad is 64 GB. Wow~ isn't it wonderful?
Let's move on to equipment. Galaxy Tab. It is smaller than ipad but still it have same functions as ipad or more. It's about half of paper. I think that if ipad and galaxy tab are same, I will choose galaxy tab because it's comfortable to hold and it's equipment that Korea made. Also I saw many people use galaxy tab but not ipad. Both of them are same as notebook and great entertainmenter but I think Galaxy Tab win in my case.
Oh, I'm sorry that I can't find much information about Galaxy Tab. But I find one more clip for you guys. Watch it carefully and think of man that is in the clip. I think he is crazy or dumb. Thank you.

2011년 2월 6일 일요일

After GLPS

Ha Ha time pass so fast. Today is more than five days after GLPS camp. I enjoy this camp very much. The food was tasty and teachers were kind and nice. I said time is fast in camp but I said it in house too. Ha Ha.
I think that these days are very comfortable. I mean that it's very comfortable than GLPS. I study hard in GLPS and these days I just do less work than GLPS. I did presentation and debate to practice in GLPS. It was very hard and tired at that time but I think it's good experience after this camp. Today's clip is my favorite song. I like this song after this camp. My friends recommand this song to me and it's good. However, I want to go there again. I went there in winter so if I have a chance to go there again, I want to go there in summer because all of my friends ( friends who come camp twice ) said summer is better because there are more activity and it's not cold. I think all of my friends are like me because I hate cold either. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I travel almost all around the world and I made a lot of experience. But I think this camp, teachers and friends are happiest and funniest experience. I will write more longer and every day. Thank You for reading my writting.............................................................. Oh~ enjoy my favorite song. Ha Ha Ha 

2011년 2월 5일 토요일

Funny cats

My essay is about funny cats. I don't like cats very much but I think cats are funny. As I said before, I like dogs but I think cats are funnier than dogs. In this clip, the cats are stupid. They are flying, jumping and running around. But it's funny for me. How about you? Did you enjoy it? I had one questions after I saw this clip. I wonder 'why cats are funnier than dogs'. I think that the answer for my question is because cats are more active than dogs. I mean that cats are more changeble than dogs. When the owner of cats went out, cats became crazy. But not dogs. They became noisy too but not like cats. They didn't jump around and flying and running. They just play with balls and eat their food and run little bit. I agree that not all the dogs are quieter than the cats. Some kinds of dogs are very noisy and stupid like cats. Also I agree that not all the cats are becoming crazy. Some cats are so quiet that it seem to be dead. But what I want to say is a lot of % in cats are noisy and stupid. So that's why cats are funnier than dogs I think. I hope you enjoy my new writtings and I hope you enjoy clip that I find. Thank you for reading my writting.........................