2011년 2월 6일 일요일

After GLPS

Ha Ha time pass so fast. Today is more than five days after GLPS camp. I enjoy this camp very much. The food was tasty and teachers were kind and nice. I said time is fast in camp but I said it in house too. Ha Ha.
I think that these days are very comfortable. I mean that it's very comfortable than GLPS. I study hard in GLPS and these days I just do less work than GLPS. I did presentation and debate to practice in GLPS. It was very hard and tired at that time but I think it's good experience after this camp. Today's clip is my favorite song. I like this song after this camp. My friends recommand this song to me and it's good. However, I want to go there again. I went there in winter so if I have a chance to go there again, I want to go there in summer because all of my friends ( friends who come camp twice ) said summer is better because there are more activity and it's not cold. I think all of my friends are like me because I hate cold either. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. I travel almost all around the world and I made a lot of experience. But I think this camp, teachers and friends are happiest and funniest experience. I will write more longer and every day. Thank You for reading my writting.............................................................. Oh~ enjoy my favorite song. Ha Ha Ha 

댓글 1개:

  1. Good to see you are still blogging, and I like that song to. It's the World Cup soccer song! I agree with your friends about summer camp. It's much better even if it is hot. Happy NY and keep in touch Soo Hwan!
