2011년 1월 30일 일요일

About dogs

I like dogs very much because dogs are smart. I had a dog one time before and that dog was very foolish. When me and my family told don't bark or make strange sounds, dog began jumping and run around and bark loudly. Our family couldn't sleep well. I know the fact that dogs have to bark and have to jump around but I think that when we told thousand of times to that dog not to bark and not to jump, dogs can be change. But it didn't change at all. Our dog are foolish. As I said, dogs are smart. In this clip, It's shows how can dog change when we practiced the dog. One of my dream is to have dog. I had once but it's foolish and we give it to the farmer so I want to have smart dog. When you have a time to have pets, I strongly advised to you to have smart dog. Thank you.......
I will wrote longer next time......

2011년 1월 25일 화요일

About GLPS

I like writting class because I made my first blog. It's really fun and it makes me did better job on other subjects. When I wrote something on my blog, I feel that I did really good job. The winter GLPS is almost over but I really enjoy it. I want to come summer GLPS too. There are a lot of things to do in winter GLPS but I think that if it's summer I will enjoy more because there are more things than winter.
However I enjoy writting and history and ski and math and debate. The really like to come KMLA again after 3years later. It's my hope. Thank you for my mom and dad and all the teachers in GLPS and as I said, I think this place is good to study and rest little bit. After 4 days I went back to home. See you mom and dad at the front of domitory. Bye Bye.

The funny clip.

I like this rap battle. It's really funny and it's like annoying orange. I enjoy it very much so I hope that you can enjoy it too.

2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Third person

John wake up and can't eat breakfast because the time is too late. John think that he must eat the snack but PA see that and give John a yellow card. John cry very much but his room mate come and said it's ok. John wants to go back home but John can't.

Second person

You wake up and suprised that it's 8:30 but soon you feel comfortable again because today is sunday. Ha Ha. You eat snack and play with friends. It is very fun until PA find you playing not cleaning your room. You get yellow warning card and you said bad word to PA so you get one red warning card too. You may force out if you get one yellow card. You feel terrible.

First person essay

I wake up in morning and eat breakfast and ready to go to advisor class. It was last day of week so I am very tired. I study for 4 period and eat lunch to go ski. I love ski. I ride ski for 4 period and come back to our domitory. It was very tired day for me.

About my life in GLPS

Wow, the time is very fast isn't it? It's like arrow I think. However GLPS  is almost over. At first, I was very confused about GLPS. But soon I adapt this camp and now, I feel comfortable like my house. Sometimes, I felt that English is more comfortable than Korean. I learn a lot of things and I think this camp will be a good memory for me. At first, it was very fun ( I mean the first day in this camp) there's nothings to do and PA let us play or talk So I think that it's same as trip!!!! But it's was mistake. I wrote my essay in level test and next day, we went to our class and study.( there's little bit of time actually) It was terrible. Can you imagine studying 8 period in class? It's very hard for me to stay in class. But still there are one more thing that make me feel horrible. We have to move classes not just stay in class and teacher come and study. Also the buildings that we must move is too far away each other. We have two ways to get our classes from domitory. First is down the hill and second is go down the mountain. Both of them are HARD. How much time do you think that we move up and down the hill??? more than a 5~6 times. It may seem to you, it's easy but it's not. It made our body healther. I did these things every day. One weeks later, it's easier. Two weeks later, I can run all the way and now I can't feel any things like tired or somthing.
Anyway the camp is almost over and it's comfortable now so I love this camp. As you can see, my blog title is enjoy GLPS. I enjoyed it very much and I hope that I can came here again..............................
Thank you. It's almost lunch time ye~
I'm hungry now. I will wrote many things in blog so enjoy my blog.
                                  really Thank you for reading my diary................. Ha Ha Ha 
The annoying orange is very fun things to see. I enjoy saw that in my house but not nowaday but I know that some of you guys love annoying orange so enjoy watching it...............
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

ode: To EOP

Dear EOP
You make me really terrible and horrible.
When I speak one word in korean, I got you. Then, I got mad at everything.
Please get away from me. I just got one of you but you seem to want me to get you more.
I enjoy GLPS but I don't enjoy you. You make my life end.

How terrible you are
You always make me sad angry and crazy. You make us get yellow card.
You are like evil. You make me got angry and you just ran away.

How horrible you are
You make a day with no joyful thing
You just make it really horrible

So please DON'T COME TO ME........................
 our song in popsong test. enjoy listen

2011년 1월 17일 월요일

My first poem!

happy fun smile laugh feel better
energy green card play believe each other
comfortable gift truth trust family game soccer parent
healthy peace friends free time fair yes Glps Korea
red card study cheating faking unfair uncomfortable
war sick lie game hit terrible horrible crazy
fear die angry hungry home work

when we are very happy, we cheer and smile and have more energy but when we feel bad or terrible it will be angry to live or do something.
Thank you

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Hello I'm An Soo Hwan and I watched Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. I thought that in this movie, the teacher is trying to teach the lesson called ' be careful ' and ' don't kill or don't make the animal got hurt. In my essay, I will write about the lesson and also my personal experience about it.
I think first lesson is ' be careful ' because the young student usually do something dangerous things for fun. The teacher wants to teach be careful whatever you do

It is fun pictures to see. Enjoy watching it. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
                                                              My First Essay
It was a dark stormy night when the tom had disappeared to some where. No one knows at that night except his parent. His parent called police. Police came and said '' miss, I'm sorry but I can't find the kid.''
'' he is next to you!''
'' oops..... he he........ I'm sorry.''

Episode Two
'' mom, my ipod dissappeared!'' cried Tom.
'' oh my god! where did you put it?''
'' I don't know, mom!''
'' why did you call me?'' said dad
'' I lost my ipod!'' screamed Tom.
'' you are listening to it, dumb!''

Episode three
'' Mom, dad, I lost my earings! It's the most expensive one!'' said Julie
'' where did you put it?'' asked Dad.
'' I put it beside the bed! But now it's gone!''
'' of course you can't find it!'' cried mom
'' Why?''
'' because you are wearing it!!!!!!