2011년 1월 11일 화요일

                                                              My First Essay
It was a dark stormy night when the tom had disappeared to some where. No one knows at that night except his parent. His parent called police. Police came and said '' miss, I'm sorry but I can't find the kid.''
'' he is next to you!''
'' oops..... he he........ I'm sorry.''

Episode Two
'' mom, my ipod dissappeared!'' cried Tom.
'' oh my god! where did you put it?''
'' I don't know, mom!''
'' why did you call me?'' said dad
'' I lost my ipod!'' screamed Tom.
'' you are listening to it, dumb!''

Episode three
'' Mom, dad, I lost my earings! It's the most expensive one!'' said Julie
'' where did you put it?'' asked Dad.
'' I put it beside the bed! But now it's gone!''
'' of course you can't find it!'' cried mom
'' Why?''
'' because you are wearing it!!!!!! 

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