2011년 1월 24일 월요일

About my life in GLPS

Wow, the time is very fast isn't it? It's like arrow I think. However GLPS  is almost over. At first, I was very confused about GLPS. But soon I adapt this camp and now, I feel comfortable like my house. Sometimes, I felt that English is more comfortable than Korean. I learn a lot of things and I think this camp will be a good memory for me. At first, it was very fun ( I mean the first day in this camp) there's nothings to do and PA let us play or talk So I think that it's same as trip!!!! But it's was mistake. I wrote my essay in level test and next day, we went to our class and study.( there's little bit of time actually) It was terrible. Can you imagine studying 8 period in class? It's very hard for me to stay in class. But still there are one more thing that make me feel horrible. We have to move classes not just stay in class and teacher come and study. Also the buildings that we must move is too far away each other. We have two ways to get our classes from domitory. First is down the hill and second is go down the mountain. Both of them are HARD. How much time do you think that we move up and down the hill??? more than a 5~6 times. It may seem to you, it's easy but it's not. It made our body healther. I did these things every day. One weeks later, it's easier. Two weeks later, I can run all the way and now I can't feel any things like tired or somthing.
Anyway the camp is almost over and it's comfortable now so I love this camp. As you can see, my blog title is enjoy GLPS. I enjoyed it very much and I hope that I can came here again..............................
Thank you. It's almost lunch time ye~
I'm hungry now. I will wrote many things in blog so enjoy my blog.
                                  really Thank you for reading my diary................. Ha Ha Ha 

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